My thanks to my two excellent stewards and to the very sporting exhibitors. Not a numerically large entry, but a quality one. Movement coming and going was not good in some hounds, with erratic front action and close hind action. Several hounds had super profile action. In my opinion profile action is very important and tells me so much about the overall conformation of a hound. There were no bad mouths and on the whole coats were correct. My dog line-up was much more even than the bitch line-up. There are some lovely youngsters coming through in both sexes.
Veteran Dog (1 - Abs.0)
1 Baumann’s Multi Ch. Regalflight Tarloch. Lovely dark eye and soft expression. Strong neck into good layback of shoulder and length of upperarm, good feet. Deep chest and well ribbed back. Good width across hindquarters, hocks well let down. In firm muscular condition. Sound coming and going, but excels in profile movement with great extension and drive and shown by his handler to best effect. Best Veteran
Puppy Dog (1 - Abs.0 )
1 Peach’s Tiobraid Solo Venture to Kilbourne. At ten months still to settle in movement coming and going, but free moving in profile. Dark eyes, neck of good length, good forequarters and width across chest. Still to drop in chest, good length of ribcage, strong rear quarters, low set hocks, feet could be better. Good tail carriage in profile and shown in good coat and condition. Best Puppy
Junior Dog (1 - Abs.0)
1 Peach’s Kilbourne Lloyd. 13month old free moving dog shown in excellent condition. Pleasing head, muscular neck into good layback of shoulder and length and return of upperarm. Good depth of chest for age, some forechest, straight forelegs, good feet. Well ribbed back, strong loin, good sweep to hindquarters, with hocks well let down. Settled in front and rear action and lovely profile outline on the move. Very promising and Best Junior in Breed.
Post Grad Dog (2 - Abs.0)
1 Baumanns Packway Loxley Norton. Good overall outline and well balanced angulation front and rear. Masculine head with well set ears, neck of good length. Deep chest and good length of ribcage. Well muscled hindquarters, low set hocks used on the move to drive around the ring. At 20 months he still has a lot of maturing to do, but he is a promising youngster.
2 Lewis’s Luckhurst Paisley. At just under 2 years a well balanced hound shown in good coat and condition. Pleasing head with soft expression, strong neck, good depth of chest. A little shorter in ribcage than one, good width across thigh, well knuckled feet. Moved well coming, a little unsettled in rear action, but free moving in profile.
Limit Dog (2 - Abs 1)
1. Grimshaw’s Greyflax The Jazz Singer To Jamalison. Masculine head, strong neck into good forequarters. Good depth of chest and length of ribbing. Strong loin and well muscled hindquarters with hocks well let down, good feet. His outline is well balanced standing and moving. Perhaps moves a shade close behind, but his front action is true and his movement in profile is free and flowing. Res CC
Open Dog (3 - AbS.1)
1 Constantine’s Kaleginy The Forester. Well balanced workmanlike hound without any exaggeration. Good head shape, ears could be better. Strong neck, well laid shoulder with good length and return of upperarm. Straight front legs, good feet. Good depth of chest and adequate spring of rib. Strong, well muscled hindquarters, hocks well let down . Impresses with his easy, free movement with extension and drive in profile and sound coming and going. CC.
2 Peach’s Ch. Rubeus Hagrid To Kilbourne. Smaller than one but beautifully balanced angulation front and rear. Good head, neat ears, strong neck. Good length of ribcage, correct topline and shapely underline. Good feet and low set hocks. Not quite the stride of one in profile, but he was sound coming and going.
Veteran Bitch (1 - Abs. 0)
1 Meer’s Hyndsight Ripley Into Shagiead. 7 year old shapely and well balanced. Lovely feminine head with soft expression and the neatest of ears. Shoulders well laid, good depth of chest. Well ribbed back, good width across thigh. Not very enthusiastic on the move, but she had a fair length of stride in profile and was sound coming and going.
Junior Bitch (4 - Abs.2)
1 Wilce Quinton & Quinton’s Kilbourne Marie Claire At Kirjojax Just 13 months and at the in between stage of development. Very feminine head and soft expression. Good length of neck into well angulated forequarters with some forechest. Good depth of chest and adequate spring of ribs. Hindquarters well balanced with front. good feet. Moved easily in profile, using her hocks well.
2 Redmond& Friend’s Greybrows Mid Summer. Very attractive head and expression. Balanced angulation front and rear, good depth of chest and length of ribbing. Low set hocks and good feet. Moved well in profile. A little unsettled in the ring today. so not showing herself to her best advantage.
Post Grad Bitch (3 - Abs 0)
1 Lucas & Dargonne’s Packway Little Loxley. Litter sister to my post grad dog winner. Lovely bitch with pleasing head and expression. Well angulated forequarters, good length of ribcage, strong loin. Correct topline, lovely sweep to hindquarters, good feet. Moved well coming and going and has a long, free stride in profile with excellent front extension.
2 Taylor’s Minerva Mcgonagall of Ormanstar. Close up to one, but not quite the length of stride. Lovely head shape and expression, good depth of chest, shapely underline and topline. Good width of thigh, correct tail carriage. Shown in super harsh coat. Positive movement coming and going and presents a balanced outline in profile.
3 Grimshaw’s Hyndsight Long Cool Woman To Jamalison
Limit Bitch (7 - Abs.2) Three lovely bitches.
1 Peach’s Blixten Star To Kilbourne (Imp) Balanced, feminine and strong, such a lovely bitch. Beautiful head, neat well set ears. Well angulated forequarters, straight forelegs, feet could be slightly better knuckled- up. Shapely topline and underline, good length of ribbing and strong in loin. Lovely sweep to hindquarters with hocks well let down. Athletic, free moving with a long ground covering stride and she was sound coming and going. Presented in super condition and shown to her best advantage. Well deserved CC and BOB.
2 Bailey’s Greflax Lady Sings The Blu’s. Feminine head with neat, correctly carried ears. Well laid shoulders, but would like a better forechest. Slightly longer in body than one, strong hindquarters, hocks well let down and used on the move. Good extension in profile and presents a very shapely outline standing and moving.
3 Spence’s Shagiead Mrs Bridges.
Open Bitch (7- Abs,3)
1 Wragg’s Neroch Jeska. Lovely head with neat ears and soft expression. Good length of muscular neck, into well laid shoulder and length of upperarm. Good depth of chest and length of ribbing. Strong loin, very shapely, broad hindquarters with low set hocks. Just not quite the positive action coming of my ticket winner. Super easy mover in profile with a lovely long stride and balanced outline. Res CC.
2 Constantine’s Gentiehun Adelaide of Kaleginy Sh.CM Attractive head, soft expression, good ears, neck a bit stuffy but strong. Good shoulder placement, good depth of chest and ribs carried well back. Shapely tuck-up, hindquarters well balanced with front and hocks well let down. Shown in good muscular condition, moved well in profile and at just the right pace.
3 Lucas & Dargonne’s Hyndsight Hyndsight Reason To Believe.
Marilyn Pursglove (Judge)